No madrasah classes for next two weeks

Dear Parents.

Please note that there will be no Madrasah Classes now for the next two weeks.

Madrasah classes will resume for children reading Qaidah on Wednesday the 7th of September and for the rest of the children on Thursday the 8th of September.

We wish all the children a joyful and pleasant holiday. (Ameen)

Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

Bexhill Masjid collection 2nd September


At Jummuah on Friday 2 September 2022, brothers from Bexhill Masjid will be coming to do a collection in our Worthing Masjid. They will be collecting to pay off the balance of their Qarda Hasanah incurred when they purchased the building which is now Bexhill Masjid.

So everyone please donate generously.

May Allah reward us all abundantly. In Shaa Allah.

Jazakallahu Khairan.


Collection for Bexhill Masjid – Friday 2nd September 2022

At Jummuah on Friday 2 September 2022, brothers from Bexhill Masjid will be coming to do a collection in our Worthing Masjid. They will be collecting to pay off the balance of their Qarda Hasanah incurred when they purchased the building which is now Bexhill Masjid.

So everyone please donate generously.

May Allah reward us all abundantly.
In Shaa Allah.
Jazakallahu Khairan.