This coming Jummuah, Friday 25 August 2023, a Charity called Human Relief Foundation (Charity Reg. NO.: 1126281) is coming to do a collection in Worthing Masjid.
The loss of sight is a frightening prospect for all of us. The routines and activities we took for granted are now hugely difficult, if not impossible tasks. For families where the main source of income has suffered a loss of sight, the outcomes can be beyond devastating – no income, most likely plunged into poverty and an uncertain future. A major cause of sight loss are cataracts.
The removal of a cataract is a relatively simple procedure requiring one operation. The clouded lens is removed and replaced with a clear one. For those living in hard to reach areas, where suitable health services are not available, this simple surgery is unobtainable, leading to a lifetime of reduced sight and ultimately, blindness.
We’re working in Bangladesh, to provide simple life changing cataract operations for our brothers and sisters. Our surgery is mobile, ensuring that we can reach out to rural areas and camps that don’t have adequate facilities.
We can only do this with your help and generous donations. Find out more at
Please donate generously.
May Allah reward us all abundantly.
In Shaa Allah.
Jazakallahu Khairan