Human Relief Foundation collection 19th January 2024 for Gaza

On Friday 19th January, the international humanitarian aid charity, Human Relief
Foundation (Charity No.1126281), will be collecting at Worthing Masjid in aid of their
humanitarian aid support for those displaced by the conflict in Gaza.
Winter has descended on the region. Those who have been displaced or forced to abandon
their homes are faced to confront prospect of surviving the coming months in the open.
With existing shelters, hospitals and schools now dangerously overcrowded, temporary tent
settlements have become a striking feature across the region. Lacking the most basic
sanitation provision, the risk of the potentially life threatening spread of infectious diseases
increases dramatically in these makeshift camps.
HRF continues to plan and work with local partners to purchase and deliver vital seasonal
humanitarian aid to Palestinians who have been displaced by the unrelenting devastation in
Gaza. Current figures suggest that approximately 1.9 million people have been displaced
across region since the beginning of hostilities in October.
We’re not just looking at the immediate need but the unprecedented amount of
humanitarian aid that will be required when this conflict ends. A refugee crisis of
unparalleled proportions. The need to rebuild lives, livelihoods and futures. Human Relief
Foundation has the expertise and resilience built up over 30 years, to ensure that the
provision of vital food supplies, shelter, first aid equipment and sanitation goes directly to
where it required the most.
You have supported us for many years, and know that Human Relief Foundation has the
expertise and resilience built up over 30 years to deliver vital food supplies, shelter and first
aid equipment where it’s urgently needed. Today, we ask that you join with us again to show
solidarity and give hope to those who need it most.