*UPDATED*Eid Al Fitr Confirmed 2023

Eid Jamaat will be at pond lane today. 21/04/2023.
It is dry but cold so please wrap up nicely.
Salah: 9.15am
Assalamu Alaikum.
The crescent moon has been sighted in Saudi Arabia. EidAlFitr will be celebrated on Friday 21st April 2023.
DATE : Friday the 21st of April.
VENUE: Pond Lane Ground, Durrington, Worthing, BN13 2RH.
Bayan start: 9.00am
Eid Jamaat: 9.15am
1) Make Wudhu at home and bring a prayer mat with you.
2) Park legally and in a manner not to inconvenience others.
3) Please ensure that you have paid Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of yourself and your dependents before the Eid Salah.
Recommended amount: £5 per person.
4) Follow instructions and directions given by the Masjid volunteers at all times.
5) Sisters and Children are welcome to attend the Eid salah outside.
6) In case of bad weather, there will be 2 Jamaats at Worthing Masjid, Ivy Arch Road, Worthing, BN14 8BX:
1st Jamaat: 9.30am.
2nd Jamaat: 10.30am.
Please check website and Facebook page for confirmation. Alternatively, you may call the Imam or a member of The Masjid Committee.
May Allah ﷻ accept our fasting, prayers and righteous deeds and allow us to reach many more Ramadans in good health. May he also grant a joyous and spiritually uplifting day of Eid to Muslims around the world. (Ameen)
Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)