Jumuah Salaah at Worthing Masjid from Friday 28th May 2021


*Jumuah Salaah at Worthing Masjid from Friday 28th May 2021*


In Sha Allah from this Friday, there will be 2 Salaatul Jumuah offered in our Masjid and after each one, mussallees will be given time to quickly offer their Sunnah Salaah in the Masjid.

Also, this Friday, there will be a special collection for Gaza. Please donate generously.


English Bayan: 12.45 pm
1st Jumu’ah – 1:20 pm
2nd Jumu’ah – 2:00 pm

Please follow all Covid-19 Guidelines:

1) Make Wudhu from home
2) Wear a mask
3) Use a prayer mat
4) Sanitize your hands upon entering
5) Maintain social distancing at all times
6) Do not gather in groups both inside or outside the Masjid.

Please stay away if you have any Covid or Flu symptoms – fever, high temperature, sore throat, cough, lost sense of taste and smell, etc..

JazakAllah for your cooperation.


Imam Idris Nawab

(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

Eid Salah at Worthing Masjid on Thursday the 13th of May



*Eid Salah at Worthing Masjid on Thursday the 13th of May*


Eid Al Fitr will be on Thursday the 13th of May. Please make the most of the extra day of Ramadhan that Allah SWA has blessed us with.

Thereafter, please note the following regarding Eid Day:

1) The Eid Salah will be offered in the Masjid.

2) There will be three Eid Jamats at the following times:

8.00am (English Bayan)
8.30am 1st Jamaat
9.15am 2nd Jamaat
10.00am 3rd Jamaat

3) Due to limited spaces, entry will be on an order of arrival basis. Please maintain social distancing if you are waiting to enter.

4) Please park legally. (Best place to park is in the Morrisons car park)

5) Masjid will collect Sadaqatul Fitr which must be paid before the salah. ( the recommended amount is £5 )

6) Only children who are 10 years old and above are allowed to attend.

7) Please Follow all Covid 19 guidelines (face mask, prayer mat, wudhu from home, social distancing etc) and use the separate entry and exit system.

8) No hugging or gathering inside or outside the Masjid.

9) Masjid collection will also take place. (Please donate generously)

10) Sadly, we are unable to accommodate sisters this year due to lack of space.

I make duaa that Allah SWA accepts our good deeds in the month of Ramadhan and blesses Muslims throughout the world with a happy and joyous day of Eid. (Ameen)

Imam Idris Nawab

(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

Collection of funds for Iftar and Suhoor



Dear brothers and sisters,

I am writing to inform you that Worthing Masjid is no longer collecting funds to provide Iftar and sahoor for members of our community who for various reasons are in need of support. We believe that we now have sufficient funds for this purpose.

I would like to thank all those who made a donation and assisted in delivery. (Jazak Allah) I have been overwhelmed by your generosity. May Allah reward you in this world and the hereafter.

Donations to our general masjid funds are still being received gratefully. If you had intended to donate to the above cause and missed out, you may wish to make a general donation instead.

The Masjid has many overheads and due to the current circumstances, our income has been severely restricted.

May Allah reward you for your generosity.

Ali Abdul Rahman
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)