Eid Salah at Worthing Masjid on Thursday the 13th of May

*Eid Salah at Worthing Masjid on Thursday the 13th of May*
Eid Al Fitr will be on Thursday the 13th of May. Please make the most of the extra day of Ramadhan that Allah SWA has blessed us with.
Thereafter, please note the following regarding Eid Day:
1) The Eid Salah will be offered in the Masjid.
2) There will be three Eid Jamats at the following times:
8.00am (English Bayan)
8.30am 1st Jamaat
9.15am 2nd Jamaat
10.00am 3rd Jamaat
3) Due to limited spaces, entry will be on an order of arrival basis. Please maintain social distancing if you are waiting to enter.
4) Please park legally. (Best place to park is in the Morrisons car park)
5) Masjid will collect Sadaqatul Fitr which must be paid before the salah. ( the recommended amount is £5 )
6) Only children who are 10 years old and above are allowed to attend.
7) Please Follow all Covid 19 guidelines (face mask, prayer mat, wudhu from home, social distancing etc) and use the separate entry and exit system.
8) No hugging or gathering inside or outside the Masjid.
9) Masjid collection will also take place. (Please donate generously)
10) Sadly, we are unable to accommodate sisters this year due to lack of space.
I make duaa that Allah SWA accepts our good deeds in the month of Ramadhan and blesses Muslims throughout the world with a happy and joyous day of Eid. (Ameen)
Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)