*Jumuah Salaah times at Worthing Masjid from Friday 2nd April 2021*

*Jumuah Salaah times at Worthing Masjid from Friday 2nd April 2021*
*1st Jumu’ah – 1:20pm*
*2nd Jumu’ah – 1:45pm*
*3rd Jumuah – 2.10pm*
Please follow all Covid-19 Guidelines:
1) Make Wudhu from home
2) Wear a mask
3) Use a prayer mat
4) Sanitize your hands upon entering
5) Maintain social distancing at all times
6) Offer your Sunnah Salah at home
7) Do not gather in groups outside the Masjid.
Please stay away if you have any Covid or Flu symptoms – fever, high temperature, sore throat, cough, lost sense of taste and smell, etc..
JazakAllah for your cooperation.
Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)