Worthing Masjid Lockdown update.

*Worthing Masjid Lockdown update.*
Dear brothers and sisters,
It has now been over two months since the lockdown began and I would like to thank you all for abiding with the instruction not to attend the Masjid. I know it has been difficult for all of us to keep away from the house of Allah (especially in the month of Ramadan and for Eid Day). I pray that Allah rewards us all for our Sabr. In Shaa Allah we make doa that it will not be long before we can reopen the doors of our Masjid and pray together again.
In the meantime, it is important that we continue observing all government guidelines which include suspension of activities in places of Worship.
Other than Imam Idris only two other Committee Members (Abdul Khahar and Aksar Uddin Sikder) have been allowed to attend the Masjid regularly to ensure that Adhaan, Salah and Jumuah is taking place in the Masjid.
Their names have been submitted to the Police who have agreed that it is sensible and within the guidelines to have designated two committee members for the above mentioned reasons.
Please note that the Assistant Imam (Br Mounir) has been furloughed and cannot do any official work for the Masjid
It is vitally important for everyone else to resist the urge to attend Masjid and please stay away from the Masjid.
The Local Police are pleased to note that the Masjid is closed to members of the public and it must continue to remain so until lockdown restrictions are lifted.
I urge you all to make doa that this lockdown is lifted sooner rather than later.
In the meantime, please continue to offer Salah and do Ibadah at home. We have done really well so far and we do not want to spoil it now.
Ali Abdul Rahman.
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)