Successful Collection for Wrap Up Worthing at Worthing Masjid

Donations collected at Worthing Masjid on Friday 17th November 2023 have now been collected by Wrap Up Worthing. Jazakallah khir to all those that donated.

“Amazing result at Worthing Mosque, filled our car to the roof with coats and other warm clothing.” – Wrap Up Worthing

Please see the social media posts below.

Winchester Muslim Cultural Association Charity collection – 24th November 2023

Assallamu’alaikum Everyone.

On Jummuah Day, Friday 24 November 2023 a Charity called Winchester Muslim Cultural Association (Charity Reg. No.: 1085124) is coming to do a collection in Worthing Masjid. The monies collected will be used to help fund their development project.

Please read the message below from Winchester Muslim Cultural Association Charity :

Help us to establish the first Mosque in Winchester, once the capital of England  
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

We are raising funds for the Winchester Muslim Cultural Association (WMCA) which is a registered charity.
Winchester is a fairly small city which was once the capital of England. We do not yet have a masjid; we have been renting out various community centres, halls etc for Jummah salah and taraweeh salah in Ramadan. Our nearest masajid are located in Southampton and Basingstoke, both about 15 miles away.
We are a young and diverse community and who are desperate for a permanent location, a masjid is the key to any community and helps unite people. The youngsters are hungry for knowledge and Islamic activities.
The WMCA has been looking for a property for the first permanent multi-function Mosque and community centre in Winchester for over 40 years. (23 under current charity) In that time, the committee have viewed several properties for which bids were placed but without success, due to various reasons such as developers placing more favourable bids and concerns over use. 
Alhamdullilah, we have made a successful bid of £700,000 for Hyde parish hall and solicitors have been engaged. Hyde Parish Hall is located a short walk from the City Centre and recently came on the market as a freehold sale. Hyde Parish Hall meets a lot of the property requirements that have been set by the WMCA:
*  Close to public car parks and public transport 
*  Has already got F1 planning permission required for a Community Centre and place of worship
*  Has a large Hall suitable for gatherings, and congregational prayers for up 200 people.
*  Has accessible entrances and facilities.
*  Separate 1st floor accommodation.

The property is being purchased under Charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) under the WMCA registered charity.

Alhamdulillah we’ve had a great response from our own community but still require further funds of £175,000. This is made up of the purchase of the Mosque, funds to carry out renovations, and a small contingency amount.
We are currently in the process of generating more funds for our purchase, and we need help from our brothers and sisters in your community with this amazing opportunity for the house of Allah. Would you kindly allow us to come and fundraise at Worthing masjid?
May Allah help us to raise the funds and accept everyone’s intention and help in this process.

Please see the attached information which includes a leaflet about Winchester’s Muslim community, Hyde Parish Hall and general information. I have also supplied images of us at East London Mosque, Abu Bakr In Reading and Portsmouth Jamia Mosque, any help or guidance would be appreciated.
You may contact me on any of the details below.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever builds a masjid (mosque) for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow’s nest or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Sahih)

JazakAllah Khair

Fundraising asistant for WMCA

-So please donate generously.

May Allah reward us all abundantly.
In Shaa Allah.
Jazakallahu Khairan
