23rd March 2020 *Online lessons during Madrasah suspension*


*Online lessons during Madrasah suspension* .

Assalaamu alaykum

Dear parents,

I hope this message reaches you in the best of health and faith.

As you may be aware, the Government has announced the closure of schools. In line with this announcement, we have also decided to suspend face to face teaching at the Madrasah. This will be in effect from today.

As we do not know how long this will continue, we are offering parents the opportunity to access online teaching.

I need to know what the interest is like for this before I decide the best way to facilitate this.

If you are interested and require further information please text or what’s app me your child’s name, your name, your email address and mobile number.

We will be charging a reduced rate of fees for this service.

Jazakallah khairan

Imam Idris.
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

22nd March 2020 *Suspension of Activities at Worthing Masjid in Response to Covid-19.*


*Suspension of Activities at Worthing Masjid in Response to Covid-19.*

Due to the severity of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its risk to public health, it is with a heavy heart that we have to announce that we have no option but to immediately suspend all activities at Worthing Masjid until further notice, starting after Isha prayers tonight. (22/03/2020) This decision is the result of an internal consultation and follows advice and guidance
from esteemed healthcare professionals, the Government, and other Masjids and Islamic organisations.

Worthing Masjid shall immediately suspend:

• congregational five daily prayers;
• congregational Jummuah prayers; and
• programmes, events and talks.

The Imams will give the adhaan, pray 5 times daily salaah and engage in aamals to protect the sanctity of the Masjid.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We urge you to take all necessary precautions to stop the
spread of the virus. We shall continuously review the decision and update you accordingly. We encourage you
to continue your daily prayers and routines from home, engage in dua, recitation of the Quran, istigfar and

We pray that Allah, the Most Merciful, showers us with His infinite mercy and grants relief, protection and ease
to all of humanity in these testing times.

We will continue to keep our community regularly updated by way of our home transmitter, website (www.worthingmasjid.co.uk) and Facebook page.

Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

19 March 2020 *Worthing Masjid suspends Jumuah for the public, due to the coronavirus pandemic*



19 March 2020 *Worthing Masjid suspends Jumuah for the public, due to the coronavirus pandemic*


Following the latest rulings (fatwa’s) from many reputable scholars, several Shari’ah Boards, as well as the latest UK governmental guidance and advice from medical organisations and local medical professionals, Worthing Masjid have taken the unprecedented and difficult move to suspend Jumuah services to the public.

This is a decision that was not taken lightly and has been done to prevent the further spread of the virus in our Masjid and the UK at large, with the foremost being the protection of the elderly and vulnerable amongst our community.

We ask everyone to offer Jumuah at home, which should be replaced with the normal dhuhr (mid-day prayer consisting of 4 raka’at Fardh + Sunnan) prayer. The Imam’s speech can be heard through the transmitter at 1pm.

Madrasah, educational classes and other activities will also be suspended after today till further notice.

We will continue to offer the other Salahs with congregation. However, we are carefully monitoring goverment advice and are prepared for any eventuality.

Idris Nawab.
On behalf of Worthing Masjid.

Public service message by the Worthing Islamic Society in regards to the Coronavirus



This is a public service message by the Worthing
Islamic Society in regards to the Coronavirus.

As of 11/03/20, the World Health Organization has declared the outbreak of Coronovirus (Covid-19) a pandemic. Against this backdrop, there are 456 confirmed cases and 6 deaths in the UK at the time of writing (12/03/20). The Government and Chief Medical Officer have also stated that the peak of the virus is yet to come. The virus is more deadly for the elderly and those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune suppression, and chronic lung disease.

Given the above and based on the guidance we have received from National Muslim organisations and Health officials , we offer the following advice:

1) Do not attend any Mosque activity if you experience ( no matter how mild) any symptoms of the Virus. These include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In this instance, you are excused from the congregational prayers (including Jumua)

2) It is religiously obligatory (wajib) for you to keep away and self-isolate if you have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in order to prevent the virus from spreading. Preventing harm, especially to others, takes precedence over attaining benefit

3) If you experience symptoms, keep a 2-metre distance from others and self isolate.

4) Please try to make wudhu at home. If wudhu has to be done in the mosque, please ensure you bin paper towels after use.

5) Please use hand sanitiser stations which are installed in the Masjid. There is a near consensus amongst scholars that these are permissible to use due to the alcohol ingredient in it being ethanol. If however you are still concerned that the alcohol in these santisiers is considered religiously impure, (najis) simply wash with water after use. This will suffice to remove the najasah.

6) Try to avoid physical contact, maintain general good hygiene and take care of your health more generally, as it is an amanah (sacred trust) from Allah

7) The elderly and the chronically ill should take extra precautions because they are at greater risk of death from Coronavirus. We strongly and politely encourage these groups to pray at home.

8) If there is a need to cough or sneeze, please use a tissue and bin it as soon as possible.

9) You should wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds when returning home


Alongside this, we offer the following general advice to the community :

a. Whilst taking reasonable precautions to protect ourselves, do not become fearful: everything happens by the Decree of Allah

b. Avoid forwarding unconfirmed news reports on social media or elsewhere, for the Prophet (s) said, ‘sufficient for a person to be considered a liar is that they spread news without confirming it’. (Muslim)

c. Remember the fragility of human life, and our ultimate return to our Lord. Turn to Allah in hope, longing, patience and prayer.

Allahumma inni A’udhu Bika Minal Barasi, Wal Jununi wal Juthami, Wa Min Si’il Asqami (Abu Dawud)

Also, we must be prepared to support those who are vulnerable and those who are isolating themselves out of precaution.

May Allah guide us to do what is best and protect all people.

Currently, there are no plans to halt congregational prayers or close the Madrasah. However, we are carefully monitoring expert advice and are prepared for any eventuality.

Please forward this message to all your Muslim contacts who are residents in Worthing and surrounding areas.


Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)