Jumuah Salah Times from 4th Dec 2020

*Jumuah Salah Times from 4th Dec 2020*
*First Jumuah:*
English Bayan: 12.30pm
Arabic Khutbah: 12.45pm
*Second Jumuah:*
No English Bayan
Arabic Khutbah: 1.15pm
Alhamdulillah we will be able to offer Salatul Jumuah in the Masjid again from this Friday. (4th December)
Please note the following:
1, All attendees must be over the age of 13 and not have underlying health conditions or suspected Covid-19 or Flu symptoms. E.g coughing, high temperature etc.
2, They must also Perform wudhu at home. (Wudhu and Toilet facilities are NOT available at the Masjid)
3, The doors of the Masjid will be opened at 12.15pm.
4, Sunnah Salaah after the Fardh salah must be offered at home.
5, Please Line up in an orderly manner, maintaining social distancing while temperatures are taken and attendees are permitted in.
6, Bring your own prayer mat and keep your shoes with you during Salah.
7, Wear a face mask and sanitise your hands on entry.
8, Maintain social distancing at all times.
9, Refrain from socialising and standing in groups inside or outside the Masjid.
10, Adhere at all times to the advice and instructions provided by Masjid volunteers.
Once again we thank you for your co-operation.
Please note: Although all effort has been made to follow the government’s Covid-19 policy, the Masjid cannot accept responsibility for any individuals.
Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)