Re-opening of Worthing Masjid on July 4th 2020


Dear Mussallees,

The re- opening of Worthing Masjid statement sent out yesterday has been revised. Please see below.

In accordance with appendix 6 (should I pray in the Mosque?) issued by The British Islamic Medical Association, we are advising doctors, nurses and frontline NHS workers not to attend prayers. We are not preventing them from attending.

I (Imam Idris) and the Worthing Masjid committee recognise and are extremely grateful for the sacrifice and commitment of all NHS workers. We apologise for any misunderstanding in our earlier statement.

*Re-opening of Worthing Masjid on July 4th 2020.*

Assalaamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

By the Grace and Mercy of Almighty Allah, congregational (Jamaat) prayers are permitted once again in the Masjid from the 4th of July 2020.

Therefore, Worthing Masjid will be
opening it’s doors from Fajr Salah tomorrow.


The Masjid will be opened 15 minutes prior to Jamaat time and closed 15 minutes after Salaah.

All attendees must:

1) Perform wudhu and use the toilet prior to attending the Masjid as the toilet and wudhu area will be sealed off.
2) Bring their own prayer mats.
3) Wear a face mask.
4) Make use of hand sanitizer stations which will be available upon entry

The congregational Salah will be offered with appropriate
social distancing measures in place.

The following will not be allowed entry into the Masjid:

1) Children under the age of 13. (baligh)
2) Vulnerable people with underlying health conditions and
anyone with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 symptoms.

Doctors, Nurses and staff working in clinical settings, as well as elderly members over the age of 65 are also advised not to attend.

At all times, please adhere to the instructions and advice provided by
the volunteers.

Further advice and guidance shall be provided regarding Jumuah later in the week.

We thank you for your co-operation and request you to continue making Dua to make this process easy for
us all. (Aameen)

Please note: Although all effort has been made to follow the governments Covid19 policy, the masjid can not accept responsibility for any individuals.

Imam Idris Nawab
(On behalf of Worthing Masjid)

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